New Sound Engineering Studio
Senior Telecommunications and Audio Specialist Kenny McGee isn’t given to hyperbole. So when he says that the new equipment in Brookdale’s sound studio has made him “as happy as a (INSERT YOUR METAPHOR HERE),” you have to take him seriously.
Besides working as a sound engineer for Brookdale, Kenny is a technician for Distance Education and an Apple-certified technician for audio production services. Here’s the description of the new equipment (some in English, some unfortunately indecipherable):
In April of 2010 we began the process of refitting the Audio Production Services recording studio which had been in operation since 1989. Formerly based on an Amek Angela 36X24 console and Otari MX-80 24-track with Dolby SR, we decided to go digital, selecting a Yamaha DM2000VCM as the console replacement, while leaving our other analog hardware in place. 32 channels of Apogee DA and AD-16x A/D/A conversion were selected to serve as the bridge between the analog and digital realms. The studio also features a Mac Pro-based DAW with 12GB of RAM and 5TB of disk space running MOTU Digital Performer, Apple Logic Studio, and a number of other audio applications. If you look closely at the photo below of the ecstatic Kenny, you may also discern that the new equipment includes a Bilabial Subwoofer 8.56 Triple Helix Paleozoic Fricative with 21.60/AOITA Dual-Tweeter Troglodytic Balljoints and FM9110575 Prelimpic Adenoids.
(OK, so maybe we exaggerated a bit with that last part.)
College Relations’ Shauna Channer, a May 2010 grad, asked whether this was the sort of equipment that students in Brookdale’s new Music Technology program would use. Kenny’s answer was, “This is for them when they become super-advanced. When they’re able to use this, they’ll be experts in the profession.”

The ecstatic me! Thanks to Brookdale's Steve Nacco and Shauna Channer for the above.