In between Gonzo's Funky Family sets at their weekly Thursday gig at Urban Nest in Asbury Park NJ. Recording off the Mackie Onyx 1640 FireWire interface to my MacBook Pro running Digital Performer 7.24. Very satisfied with the sound of the PA as well as the recorded tracks.

Gonzo's Funky Family 0n 6/6/13 - Mike "Moon" Reuben, Guitar/Vocals, Katrina Harper, Vocals, Daniel "Gonzo" Gonzalez, Drums, Greg Novick, Bass, Rich Bruenermer, Saxes and Flute
The 6/27/13 date with Tommy Labella on sax and flute… a bit of MJ’s “Human Nature” captured on my iPhone and synchronized to the recording done on my MacBook Pro

Picking out the best takes with Gonzo from the three dates - 6/6, 6/27, and 7/11/13