Myself and my late cousin Delores' daughter Layonne, a tremendous singing talent in her own right. Besides singing alongside her Mom in a number of bands over the years, including Rain, Tim McLoone and The Shirleys and Holiday Express, Layonne makes her presence known performing with many other groups such as Bon Jovi, Glen Burtnik & Friends, Bob Bandiera's Rock And Soul Revue, Gonzo's Funky Family, The Gerald Carboy Jazz Project, and the Motor City Revue. She is truly carrying the torch passed on by Delores.
An excellent interview with Layonne
Check out her rendition of "You're All I Need To Get By" performed with the Motor City Revue
Layonne, Debbie Vaughn and Delores of RAIN doing a ID for PBS
Layonne covers The Who's "Reign O'er Me" with Marc Ribler and Band at McLoone's in Asbury Park